Our 7-Part Participatory Investment Discussion Series

Participatory Investment
May 5, 2021

In our latest report, we posed the question: what would investment in communities look like if those very communities were part of the process? Now we are bringing together movers and shakers to explore Grassroots Community Engaged Investment (GCEI) - a new approach to investing that shifts power dynamics and builds economies that work for communities.

Grassroots Community Engaged Investment (GCEI) is the process and practice of investing with meaningful input, decision-making power, and/or ownership from grassroots stakeholders. This strengthening trend in community development and mission-aligned investment presents a new way for how to invest so as to shift power dynamics and build an economy that works for communities.

This 7-part Discussion Series features conversations with funders, investors, community developers, and grassroots partners that offer insight into how GCEI can be applied to a variety of fields, including affordable housing development, capital access, and racial justice.


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Participatory Investment