We are a research, education, and implementation partner for the movement to transform finance.

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We believe that finance is a tool that can create positive or negative outcomes. Right now, most capital is in the hands of profit-maximizing investors, exacerbating harm in many communities. It doesn't have to stay that way – but what will the change look like?

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In our vision, all investments follow the Transformative Finance principles:

Those affected have the chance to design outcomes, govern processes, and share in ownership.

Investors add more value than what they extract as returns.

Risks and returns are fairly allocated among stakeholders.

When we formed in 2013, we saw that the rising impact investment movement had great intentions to provide a better alternative to legacy finance, but often focused on marginal tweaks rather than transformative shifts. The openness of investors to change, even if it fell short, provided an opportunity to define what those shifts actually look like using our Transformative Finance Principles. Within impact investing and finance writ large, we work with our stakeholders to make transformative investment happen.

We envision a world where all investors serve as net positive contributors to a just and equitable society and where non-investors, particularly those from communities who have historically been harmed by capital flows, have a meaningful opportunity to control assets and influence financial decisions.

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Offerings Along the Journey to Transformative Finance

Some of our partners are ready to move capital transformatively, but others are just dipping their toes into Transformative Finance. Our offerings sit at different levels of depth to include everybody, no matter where they are on their journey.

Partners and Supporters

Arise Health logoOE logoThe Paak logoEphicient logo2020INC logo

Transform Finance’s work is important towards identifying strategies that can improve the way capital works and supporting practitioners to use those tools to build a society that benefits everyone.

Mekaelia Davis

Ballmer Group