Webinar: The Evolving Landscape of Employee Ownership Investing

Alternative Ownership Enterprise
June 5, 2024

On June 24th, we co-hosted a conversation about the Evolving Landscape of Employee Ownership Investing with the Francesco Collaborative. While the interest in Employee Ownership (EO) is growing rapidly, it can be hard for investors and investment advisors to know where to get started. How can one make sense of the sea of acronyms? What are the highest impact approaches? What range of returns can be expected? This conversation comes on the heels of analysis we have been doing to assess the financing needs of the Employee Ownership space, building on the landscape done for our database of Alternative Ownership Enterprise funds.

Two leaders from the Employee Ownership and impact investments spaces joined us for this informative conversation. Alison Lingane is the founder of the Employee Ownership Catalyst Fund, a vehicle designed to fill the financing gap for EO transitions of all forms. Alison shared insights from her experience in supporting EO transactions. Our own Julie Menter, Program Director of Transformative Financing Structures, shared highlights from our soon-to-be-released briefing paper about the financing landscape for EO, which includes an in-depth analysis of the current landscape of EO funds. The session was moderated by Felipe Witchger, co-director at Catholic Impact Investing Collaborative and co-founder of Francesco Collaborative, an organization which draws on the faith lineage of Catholic Social Tradition to catalyze a practice of finance and investment that nurtures an economy of solidarity, justice, repair, and ecological flourishing.

View the webinar recording here: 

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Alternative Ownership Enterprise